all postcodes in BS39 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS39 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS39 7BD 1 1 51.299394 -2.495125
BS39 7HA 30 0 51.308453 -2.502524
BS39 7LE 5 1 51.307446 -2.502686
BS39 7LF 4 0 51.30731 -2.502928
BS39 7LG 16 2 51.307416 -2.503202
BS39 7LH 21 1 51.307468 -2.507965
BS39 7LJ 31 0 51.307784 -2.507567
BS39 7LL 13 0 51.305242 -2.506879
BS39 7LN 31 0 51.30677 -2.509306
BS39 7LP 30 0 51.305741 -2.508046
BS39 7LS 4 0 51.306246 -2.49517
BS39 7LT 23 0 51.304176 -2.506093
BS39 7LU 18 0 51.303656 -2.505613
BS39 7LW 24 5 51.306766 -2.50592
BS39 7LX 5 0 51.303241 -2.506082
BS39 7LY 6 0 51.302243 -2.505985
BS39 7LZ 15 0 51.302285 -2.506732
BS39 7NA 34 0 51.303552 -2.50686
BS39 7NB 20 0 51.304051 -2.50787
BS39 7ND 20 0 51.302298 -2.507736